Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Google’s Latest Creation: Blackle

Disclaimer: This post has virtually nothing to do with Washington, D.C. or Public Relations.

That being said, I just had to share Google’s Latest Earth Friendly Creation: Blackle. As is in Google, but black. Blackle uses the same high powered search engine as Google but the screen appears black, instead of white.

According the description, this difference will save energy because “monitors require more power to display a white (or light) screen than a black (or dark) screen”

In January the EcoIron blog wrote a post claiming that Google would save 3,000 Megawatts of electricity per year if users switched to the black screen. Seems like someone at Google was listening.

Not sure if I’ll use this app every time – it is a little harsh on the eyes – but it’s just the latest from the guys that brought us all of this.


Sanjay John Gandhi said...

Blackle is a copycat of the first page of:


which has offered google search in color for the longest time!


Anonymous said...

its not by google.

AngelaHolie said...

I prefer using www.Darkoogle.com as their text are green which reduce eye strain. So instead of saving energy from our monitor, it also save our user's eye energy.