--It's been a busy month for the PR industry as well as me personally. Stanton Communications, my employer, launched a new Web site.
--The Council of Public Relations Firms launched its new publication The Firm Voice, along with a great new tutorial for young PR pros called PR Quick Start.
--Brendan Hodgson of H&K gave a great perspective on Web 2.0 tools and their role within a broader communications strategy. As I've said before on this blog, sometimes it's easy to get wrapped up in the novetly of the tool without really identifying how this tactic may fit within the overall communications plan and how that plan aligns with the objectives of the organization.
--National Small Business Week is coming up on April 21-25 here in D.C. Check out the event web site for details on event in DC and NY.
--I interviewed the Director of Sales at iDirect - a fascinating satellite company that's working to bring the Internet to remote corners of the world.
--The 10 millionth article was written on Wikipedia.
--Steve Rubel called for (once again) the death of the term social media. He may be making progress this time.
--And finally, Hulu launched. If you haven't checked it out, do so immediately; it's quickly becoming my favorite site.
Not exactly the lamb-like ending I was hoping for, but exciting nonetheless...
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